Friday, August 31, 2007

Kid Feed in Utero

Eating healthy while pregnant has been an ongoing process for me that I continue to perfect. During my first pregnancy, DH and I were learning how to eat well. We still went to certain fast food restaurants occasionally, and I even remember partaking of some run-of-the-mill Costco desserts at my workplace. Shortly after Tie-Dye was born I called Taco Bell headquarters and asked for the ingredients of some of my favorite items. I was disappointed to find out that the taco meat contained sugar, and the tortillas had hydrogenated oil. Though it was difficult at the time, DH and I gave up Taco Bell for good. This encouraged us to come up with our own recipes to mimic Taco Bell food, and we developed a great Homemade Grilled Stuft Burrito recipe! (To view this recipe, click on the Comments section at the end of this blog post.)

By the time I was pregnant for the second time, my diet was substantially better. I no longer ate any refined sugar (until we went on a cruise during my seventh month and I know I ate sugar during that week!).

Now, during my third pregnancy, I've changed a few other things. This time I've been aiming for greater variety in my diet, including a lot more low mercury fish. For a great list of safe fish during pregnancy and child-bearing years check out the American Pregnancy Association's site. DH and I eat fish almost every morning for breakfast now. Another great benefit to this is that our boys eat more fish too. They love salmon or tuna sandwiches for lunch. We have been doing a 4-day rotation diet. This way we are constantly eating different fruits and veggies, proteins and whole grains. This is a big change for us. DH and I are both such creatures of habit. We would have been content eating our favorite same few things over and over again. Recently we've come to learn, however, that eating this way can cause the body to develop allergies to these foods. For instance, we used to eat eggs every day, often more than once a day. Same thing with cheese, spinach and wheat products. Now we are enjoying the tastes of new foods. Amaranth muffins, barley pancakes, corn grits, cream of buckwheat... it is a pleasant change to try new things!

As far as supplements go, I take one all-natural Rainbow Light pre-natal vitamin every morning, along with Carlson's fish oil and Vitamin C.

Something else I really enjoy, both when pregnant and not, is the delightful beverage called kefir. Kefir is packed full of pro-biotics (lots more than yogurt) and is great for the digestive system. Kefir is available in most health food stores, but you can make your own, as we do. For lots of great information about kefir check out Dom's Kefir site. My boys love it too, even though it's not sweet at all. It sort of reminds me of buttermilk.

Hopefully this new baby is benefiting from the varied diet I've been eating. There are no guarantees that anyone will have a healthy baby, but we pregnant mothers make a choice every time we put something into our mouths. We do have the power to eat the best foods possible while our babies are depending upon us for all their nutritional needs.


Christie said...

It was fun to read the ways you have changed in eating for your babies.

I followed Dr. Bradley's diet when pregnant with #1. I ate my two eggs a day! And counted my protein grams and wrote it all down. With #2 a #3, I think I ate well, but I didn't write it down like before.

I am enjoying your blog. I hope you'll post some recipes too! Mmmmm¡

Kid Feed Mommy said...

Here is the recipe for the Grilled Stuft Burritos I mentioned in my post:

Homemade Grilled Stuft Burritos

Whole wheat tortillas
Cooked chicken cut into chunks (grilled chicken works best for this recipe, but any cooked chicken is fine)
Cooked brown rice
Cooked black or pinto beans (opt.)
Diced green chiles (opt.)
Grated jack or mozzarella cheese

Mix your choice of Mexican-style sauce (we use Trader Joe's Mexican Sauce) with mayonnaise until the sauce reaches desired consistency and flavor.

Layer cheese, chicken, rice and any other optional ingredients on the tortillas, then spoon sauce on top. Wrap burritos up and hold closed with a toothpick.

Place on broiler pan and cook one of two ways:

#1 - Broil for approx. 4 minutes. Watch closely because the tortillas can burn quickly.


#2 - Using a convection oven, bake at 375 degrees for 7-10 minutes, until cheese is melted and burrito filling is heated through. Tortillas will be nice and crisp.

Use remaining sauce as a burrito dip!